here we are, month two, and who knows what's going on?
I went to visit one of my bridesmaids, Holly, in NYC for two days at the beginning of the month. it was an impulse trip and we visited 6 coffee shops in 48 hours. the loft in her apartment has the dreamiest light, so that's where this photo came from. I was in my head a lot this month, so I think this photo came from that too.
truth be told, I did not take self portraits weekly for the rest of the month. I sent my camera in to be recalibrated, and when I got it back, we were in the last few days of February. my brother came to visit for a week and it was an exciting time in more ways than one, but I think my favorite times were the evenings spent at the apartment working on the puzzle Ben got me for valentines day.
this was one, an attempt to take advantage of the last moments of light before a long drive home, and two, an attempt to convey my feelings after this month haha.
I feel like I'm reaching for sunsets. yearning to find or infuse vibrant life into the traffic of long commutes, hours spent sitting at a laptop, nights of dinner - dishes - sleep before starting it all over again. maybe it's adulthood stealing life away from us, maybe we can steal it back.

this is not actually the photo I was going for when I walked outside to take this. I had a very different picture in my head, which you will probably end up seeing in march's blog post, but this was my favorite from the series. you could go a lot of different directions with this photo, but because I didn't shoot it because I was inspired but instead was inspired after I shot it, I'm going to let you interpret it how you will, and I'll do the same.
this is just an outtake to show that I wasn't really going for two hand photos in a row.
I had a lot of goals this month and I met some of them, which I'm content with. in a weird way, I feel like I'm supposed to be digging deeper and pulling even farther back in march, at the same time as stepping forward once I'm given perspective. I'm also probably going to blog about the books I've been reading, just in case someone wants to read some good quotes and concepts instead of or before reading the whole book. we got annie f. downs and brene brown coming up next.
happy end of the shortest month of the year!