Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week 12/52 - Like Jesus Does

all the crazy in my dreams
and both my broken wings 
every single piece of who I am 
she loves me like Jesus does

Spent the weekend with the family of a fellow student who had three gorgeous sisters like herself.  We ate like queens, attended a beautiful and refreshing church service, and thoroughly enjoyed our new families.  
This is the sweet 16 year old Desiree who so willingly modeled for me. 
Oh, and they had a tire swing. Obviously fantastic. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week 11/52 - The Lost Get Found

 Don’t let the lights go down
Don’t let the fire burn out
Cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe
Why don’t you rise up now?
Don’t be afraid to stand out
That’s how the lost get found
The lost get found

Why do we go with the flow?
Why take the easier road?
Why are we playin’ it safe?
Love came to show us the way
Love is a chance we should take
I’m movin’ out of the way 

Meet Amber. This girl is a blessing in every way and I adore the love and life that she is full of.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Week 10/52 - I'm Running to Your Arms

oh, I'm running to Your arms
I'm running to Your arms
the riches of Your love
will always be enough 
and nothing compares to Your embrace

 I'm in a whole new place with new people, new challenges, and new blessings. 
This girl would be one of the blessings - Sabrina, my sweet & spirited roommate.
This was one of the songs that we all sang together the other night.
 It was beautiful.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Week 9/52 - Streetlights

I'm the streetlights that guide you home..
You'll never be alone. 

This one has been a picture in my head waiting to become reality for a while now. 
Special thanks goes to my Momma for driving out in the later hours of the night with me while I took this photo(: 

Also, I realized I'm one week behind posting.  No problem, I have another photo from this shoot that begged to be featured, so you'll be seeing it soon. And I'll be back on track! (:

Lyrics: You'll Never Be Alone, Capital Kings