Simply lovely :) Miss and I had been planning her senior photos for a while, but with the off and on winter we've been having here in Alaska, we had to wait for just enough snow - and when we got it, it was worth the wait! Her horse, affectionately called "Luna baby," cooperated wonderfully and by the end we were pretty convinced she was enjoying all the camera attention! ;) For the second half of the shoot Miss took me back to a place she called "Narnia." Let me tell you folks, when you walk down that trail surrounded by thick pine trees, I'm pretty sure you'll be convinced its the real deal.
She also had a goat. :)
We trudged through nearly three feet of snow to get out to this spot - but it was SO worth it.
Entrance to Narnia, anyone?
And some gorgeous smiles to say farewell.
These pictures of Miss absolutely take my breath away!!!! MiMi