Friday, February 21, 2014

Week 30/52 - From the Inside Out

a thousand times I've failed
still your mercy remains
and should I stumble again
still I'm caught in your grace

everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades
never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame

my heart and my soul, I give You control
consume me from the inside out Lord
let justice and praise, become my embrace
to love You from the inside out

The phrase "Your light will shine in all else fades" played in my head immediately when I was editing this photo.  There's such truth in it.  I remember so many times when everywhere I turned there was darkness...BUT.  There was a light at the end of the tunnel, and when I turned to face God in His glory I was blinded by the reminder that He was my only escape from the darkness.  He was enough.  And the kind of love that resulted from that realization consumed me from the inside out.  Even in listening to this song again weeks later and writing up this post, chills ran through me as I listened to the words and was overcome again with a desire to just give Him control.  

Challenge-wise, I have much to catch up on.  I have some photos that I've shot and been waiting to post so those will probably be used up in the next week or so, and then I'll hopefully be caught up - and start shooting some new stuff again.  So many things stewing around in my head!

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