Friday, October 31, 2014

Week 51/52 - Try

put your make up on, get your nails done
curl your hair
run the extra mile, keep it slim
so they like they like you?

get your sexy on, don't be shy, girl
take it off
this is what you want, to belong
so they like you like you?

you don't have to try so hard
you don't have to give it all away
you just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
you don't have to change a single thing

take your make up off
let your hair down
take a breath
look into the mirror, at yourself
don't you like you?
cause I like you.

I know you've all heard it before. 
But because the lies keep getting repeated, I think it's important that the truth is repeated even more. 
I don't have anything against using makeup or too much hairspray to get dressed up for fun. 
But that's not the issue here. 

The issue is we are trying to live up to a pointless standard. 
The issue is we are being told our worth is judged by our appearance, popularity, talents. 
The issue is that we have believed the lie that our identity is found in what other people think and say we are, and that could not be farther from the truth. 

The truth is that you're underestimating yourself and the beauty God created in you
The truth is that the people that cut you down or look at you scornfully don't know you. 
The truth is that even the parts of you that you think are ugly or broken, God wants to restore and use. 
The truth is that 

Allow me to share some nuggets of truth that were shared with me from Ann Voskamp's blog post on this topic. (link below.) 

"The media’s fueled by changing the definition of beauty, romance, and love from what is true to what is trendy.

Media tries to define you with likes as a measure of your lovability.

Media votes you on or votes you off, as if a woman’s worth is a popularity contest instead of being permanently won by function of being made in the image and likeness of God.

Listen to His Voice: God is turning everything around to turn you into the beauty He knows you are.

The world has enough women who know how to do their hair. It needs women who know how to do hard and holy things.

The world has enough women who live a masked insecurity. It needs more women who live a brave vulnerability.

Go ahead, Girl, 
run your hands wild through your hair and smile unashamed and be at peace in the fullness of you and pour your beauty out like an alabaster perfume.

Beauty doesn’t live in your skin.

Beauty lives in the lining of your heart."

Please check out the rest of the blog post here:

Trust me, it's worth it. 

I wanted to share this with all of you because I have been blessed to have people in my life who constantly remind me of this truth; for those less fortunate, I hope that at least for this day God will use this to remind you.

Thank you to Mandi for getting out of her comfort zone and modeling for me. 
She and I did a quick cover of this song together which you can listen to here:

And thank you for reading all the way to the end of this. I pray that it blessed or challenged you in one way or another. 

Have a beautiful day, beautiful people. You are loved. 

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