so here's the plan.
I want to post something every week this year.
song, photo, thoughts, what I'm learning, what I want to learn, etc.
I want to be intentional about remembering what God is teaching me and bringing me through.
Hopefully, it will be a blessing, encouragement, or at least entertainment for the rest of you.
I promise:
- I will not post quotes or Scripture because it vaguely relates to the photo; if it doesn't have meaning or value to me or add to the message, I'll just leave it out.
- There's going to be lots of mountains if I can help it.
- I'm not going to stress about it. I want it to be an outlet to keep me creating during the semester and rest of the year, but not to the point of ruining the joy of artistic expression.
- I will try to keep it short and sweet (like me!) but some posts will be longer. just how life goes.
like anyone sharing things with the world, I love love love feedback, including constructive criticism or just a note sharing your thoughts in response. (:
so this is week one.
(week two coming tomorrow because hey, the year starts really quickly and sometimes the inspiration hits after the fact)
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