Monday, August 21, 2017

life update: mission trip to SPAIN

starry sky in Ireland on my last trip with the LBC chorale

Hello friends!  
Most of you know that I have been going to college in Pennsylvania, and I am heading back this fall for my senior year. Most of you also know that choir has been a big part of my life since high school, and the community and music that I found through choir in high school continued when I joined the chorale at Lancaster Bible College. This fall, the chorale will be taking a trip to Spain to take part in a musical celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, when the people of Europe began to have exposure to the truth of God's grace and salvation through His Son. Our hope through this trip is to remind those we perform for and ourselves of the freedom that is offered to us through Christ's work on the cross, and to encourage unity among the believers already in Spain.  
I have been a part of the Lancaster Bible chorale for a couple years now, and along with the countless performances in Pennsylvania, I had the opportunity to travel with the group overseas. One of our biggest testimonies from our trip to Ireland was through interactions off the stage - with our bus driver.  No matter where we go, we hear back that people were impressed by not only our musical excellence but also the kindness, respect, and authenticity shown by every person involved. This is why I know that this group will minister not only to the audience when we perform in Spain, but we will also be a testimony of Christ's love to those on the airplane next to us and other interactions.  
That being said, the cost of my participation in this trip is $1850. $1440 of that is due on August 23rd. I know that if God wants me to participate in this trip by going, He will provide the funds. If He instead wants me to stay behind and support the rest of the team through prayer, then I will do that as well. If you could join me in prayer, here are some requests:  

      • Pray for the chorale and Dr.Bigley as they prepare musically and spiritually for this trip.  
      • Pray that God would go before us to Spain and prepare the hearts of those we will be interacting with, directly and indirectly.  
      • Pray for those fundraising to go on the trip mid-semester.  

If you would like to support me financially, donations can be given through LBC's website – go to and click on "GIVE" in the upper right-hand corner, select "Give Now" from the Give dropdown menu, and designate "Journey Teams" as the recipient of your contribution. Please make sure "Rachel Willyerd – Spain" is in the comments when you submit so that it can be appropriately filed. If you would rather write a check, it can be made payable to "LBC Journey Team" with my name on a separate note and mailed to Journey Teams, 901 Eden Rd, PA 17601-5036. (please note that if I do not reach the total needed, your donations will go to helping other people on the team go – it's a group effort. However, if you would like the option of a refund in that situation, contact me about your donation personally).  
If you would like updates and prayer requests as I prepare for and hopefully go on this trip, respond with your email or other contact information as I will be making a list. If you have any other questions, please contact me! I am truly excited to see what God has planned for the individual members of this team and the people of Spain. His kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you, friends!  

Rachel Willyerd 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

16/52 // hold on

hold on. hold on, heart. hold on, daughter, son. stand fast
or sit. whatever you've got to do, do it. 
I see you, continuing. I'm proud of you.
but more than that, He sees you.

 and it may feel like He is silent; but He hears every cry of your heart, spoken and unspoken.
oh, please do not give up, do not give in.
I pray there is someone in your life to lean on and hug you and this dry season. I would if I could.
 and I challenge you... press into Him. even if He seems far away. even if it seems scary. 
He is never cold.
He is never distant. 
only the enemy would tell you the lies that He is. 
 I know you believe in who He says He is; and I know you do not feel it now, here.
the two realities can exist at the same time. 
I want you to be okay with that tension.
and know: this is not forever.
I don't know what it will look like, or when it will come, 
but relief and light are coming
- whether it is in heaven, or tomorrow morning.
Christ's victory is just as true and powerful. 
the enemy's grip was not enough to keep Him in the grave
and it is not strong enough to separate you from His love
believe that. 
and hold on.

Monday, May 29, 2017

15/52 // surreal?

it's such a strange feeling. I chose (fell into?) a career that requires empathy and creativity, and I didn't even realize it starting out. 

this job has been the most bizarre thing for God to just slip into my life and continue to cultivate. 
I had no idea what I was getting into and probably would not have continued to pursue it if I had not started out in complete overconfidence.

stream in the adirondacks

I think I didn't actually believe I could get to where I am now. so that's encouraging.
Image may contain: 1 person, standing and phone
photo cred: blythe elizabeth photography
this is a thank you, in a way, to everyone who supported me when I started out and had very little idea what I was doing - and to everyone who continues to support and encourage me now that I have a little better idea. I have spent countless hours comparing myself to others, so many nights frustrated with my own work (#artistprobs), but almost as many "eureka" moments and happy squeals behind the camera or during editing marathons.
salt flats of nevada

the places that I have been because of my opportunities feed my gypsy heart and obsession with beauty and exploring like none other. my wanderlust could not ask for a more fulfilling career. I know I don't deserve it and I don't know how long I get to do it, but I'm soaking in every moment while I can.
mobile office
when I say I could not have made it to where I am today without people around me, I'm not just saying it. the support of my family emotionally and practically is so beyond what I could have ever knew I needed. the countless people who have trusted me to preserve the preciousness of their lives in an art form still blows me away. the more experienced photographers who have given me tips that have been engraved in my brain. the other creatives that have walked alongside me. my best friend for always helping me choose a sneak peak. my brother for geeking out over equipment with me. the families and friends of clients that have taken me into their hearts and homes. the clients that have turned into lifelong friends.

backpack contents
this is my focusing face, apparently.
 I've made so many silly mistakes and I continue to, but I continue to learn from them. I continue to get better. I plan on improving for the rest of my career, whatever God has planned for it. I promise to do my absolute best whenever I am giving the opportunity to photograph.
to the glory of God alone, I'm in the middle of the rewards of consistency and perseverance (THOSE ARE HARD THINGS FOR ME). it's so motivating, exciting, terrifying, beautiful, beyond me. 
like, wait a minute. breath. take it all in. shake my head and open my eyes again. this is happening? so surreal.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

14/52 // unexpected residue

momma told me I was quiet today.

it's been almost a full week of adventuring with my family and it feels like we packed a month's worth of big events in. being with them after the semester is glorious. having the chance to focus on photography and other things instead of homework feels like peppermint iced tea after a long, hot hike.

but momma was right. after a semester of basically living by myself, I realized my default for the past couple semesters is this quiet little world inside my head. I came out of it for classes, or work, or coffee dates and phone calls. but other than that, it was just me. 

after the insanity of giving my family a 24 hour tour of my campus and the city, moving out, photographing a wedding two states down, and then driving back up three states for family visit #1, I crashed and slept (finally). without realizing it, I retreated back into my quiet world. I'm not used to having someone there to process with 24/7, or three other people who need the shower.

praise Jesus for my patient family and for momma for pointing it out. I don't think quiet is bad; but this kind of quiet was the subdued survival mode of the semester, rather than peaceful and at rest. I'm tired of just staying alive instead of looking forward to getting up in the morning.

the thing that baffles me is reverting to that secluded state was completely involuntary and so subtle, I hadn't noticed myself. I'm coming out of it slowly, trying to take deeper breaths. communicate. take my foot off the pedal and the pressure off myself.

there are situations and memories that are re-surfacing - for all my attempts to process them during the semester, I could really only smooth the troubled waters and move on to the next assignment. 

so here is to filling my lungs. here's to looking forward with hope. to letting God heal the past, to learning how to love, to letting people in. to getting rest and getting outside. to living under the shadow of grace and in the strength of His love. to letting myself cry, to acknowledging disappointment, to reminding myself of His faithfulness. to letting others help me, stop being the lone ranger, and getting emotionally healthy so I can be there for the ones I love. to digging deep into His Word and surrendering and sharing my heart with Him. to making memories and taking photographs and writing songs. 

the photos are from middle creek wildlife center somewhere in PA.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

13/52 // uncertain

grown-up park days - coffee and blackberries.

the nature of spiritual life is that we are certain in our uncertainty, consequently we do not make our nests anywhere.
to be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, we do not know what a day may bring forth.
we are uncertain of the next step, but we are certain of God.
Jesus said, "Except ye...become as little children." spiritual life is the life of a child. 
we are not uncertain of God, we are uncertain of what He is going to do next.
leave the whole thing to Him; it is gloriously uncertain how He will come in, 
-Oswald Chambers 

I have zero clues what is going on with my life. this month is not bringing what I thought it would.
a couple months ago, I thought I would be graduating with a college degree, booking the first flight home to Alaska, seeing certain people, looking for specific opportunities in my hometown.
I am not graduating. I am not going straight home. certain people aren't even in the picture anymore. I may not even be home for good this summer.
my friends are stepping into another year of college, graduating from college, getting married, changing jobs, looking for jobs...the list goes on.

wouldn't it be cool if we could be like, 6 years old again? when the only reason we were exhausted was we played in the park aaaall day? yeah, sometimes I wish I could go back.

but what I want more than anything, is that childlike faith. that childlike knowledge of His love. oh, I was POSITIVE that He loved me and that everything He promised was true.

and you know what? He still does love me. and His promises are still true.

there's a song out right now that says "I wanna go back to Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so." that's where it all begins and ends, His love. 

herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
and we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
there is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. he that feareth is not made perfect in love.
we love him, because he first loved us
(1 John 4:10, 16, 18-19)

so whatever uncertainty you are stepping into, step into it with childlike faith.
God is certain.
His love is certain.

Monday, April 17, 2017

12 of 52 // succulents and facebook

so, I spontaneously took a month off of facebook. I kept messenger for communication purposes, but my mom graciously changed my password for me and my friend managed my photography account for me. that is why I did not post or respond to comments as much during march. you probs didn't notice, but that's why. 

now. what does that have to do with these pictures of plants? 

nothing, actually. these photos are from a trip to terrain (cafe/greenhouse) with my friend Monica over a month ago that were too pretty for me not to share. if you have never been there, you should go, and take me with you.

anyways, back to facebook. when I got off I simply wanted to reduce the minutes of scrolling in between homework assignments in an attempt to declutter my life a bit for a season in order to reach a goal. 

at first, I realized how frustrated I would get when I opened a tab mid-paper to check notifications but couldn't log in. after a while, I just stopped opening the tab and continued writing my paper. productivity increase: check. 

it disconnected me a bit from the current social happenings, such as an engagement I was unaware of until someone congratulated my co-worker in front of me (oops). but I didn't super miss it otherwise.
decluttering: check. 

it's nice to know that I can live without it and gain some perspective. so now I'm back on, but I think twice more about opening that tab while doing homework. I could go on about the effects of social media, idolatry, comparison, escape - the possibilities are endless, but you've probably heard it before and only you know where you are on the spectrum. I appreciate facebook as a tool to encourage, laugh, provoke thought, stay connected, and share. like these photos. I hope this made you think - now I hope these photos brighten your day! scroll away. (:

Sunday, April 9, 2017

11 of 52 // dancing

I was laying in the grass after a long week of wrestling with myself and with God. 
the sun was (finally) shining and the song We Dance by Steffany Gretzinger started playing from my shuffle. 
I remembered listening to this song in my kitchen back home about a year and a half ago, when I was experiencing this new depth of sweet intimacy in my relationship with Him. everything about this song made me think of butterflies and excitement and adoration. the words "You steady me, slow and sweet, we sway - You take the lead, and I will follow...You spin me round and around and remind me of that song, the one You wrote for me, and we dance," settled into my heart with warmth and peace. 

now, after a time of venturing closer and facing some hard things about life following Christ's footsteps, the words "when my faith gets tired and my hope seems lost...we dance, just You and me, and I will lock eyes with the One who's ransomed me; it's nice to know I'm not alone, I've found my home here in Your arms," were balm to my throbbing heart.

there was this picture in my head of a young couple, falling in love, dancing and twirling and laughing with sweet innocence and new-found affection and devotion. then, it changed to an older couple, a few years down the road - staying in love, dancing and breathing and leaning into each other with the wisdom and security of passion and faithfulness that has weathered storms from without and within.

and that's how I feel about me and God right now. take the analogy as you will, it's not perfect of course. I used to be scared of things with Him becoming "routine" but I have a feeling it never really will, because nothing stays the same...except His love, so this dance won't be ending anytime soon. or ever.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

ten of fifty-two // real talk

sunrise over Seward Boat Harbor

I read about spending time with God and what it's like to practice His presence, to be filled with His Spirit and power and likeness and then to live that out in every area of life. then I sit down to have "quiet time" and... I am not swept up by angelic hosts, carrying me straight to the throne with feeling and knowledge. 

I stare at words on a page and utter a desperate cry to Him to teach me. I move restlessly from reading someone else's thoughts, to His Word, to worship, to pouring out my heart in prayer. It doesn't hit me the same every day. sometimes I leave listless, wishing I had hours more to try and get to His heart and what He could have taught me. other times I take the small Word He gave me and cling to it for the rest of the day. it never feels like enough time to let it sink into my being instead of just be absorbed by my head.
but oh God is faithful. faithful meaning that I know He meets me when I stop to be with Him, even if it is just in the knowing that He is there. I hope it is a sweet offering to Him, I hope He feels loved as opposed to grieved like the many times I pass on without Him. faithful because when I come to Him ashamedly hiding (haha. hiding from God.) my pain from Him trying to pray about more "spiritual" things, He patiently waits for me to bring the sadness to Him, too. faithful that when my fearful heart asks of Him something He has already promised – never leave me, please do not forsake me – He reminds me that He has not, He will not, He has told me before and will tell me again.  

sunset over Seward Boat Harbor