Sunday, March 24, 2013

Grace: Senior 2013

Hello, everyone.  Meet Grace.  
She has the most photogenic, shining blue eyes and an amazing fake laugh.  Scratch that, pretty sure what makes her fake laugh amazing is it isn't fake.  What a blessing to see so much joy inside a person!  Her session was definitely an adventure, and we could not have done it without her sister Hannah who served as a ladder and many other irreplaceable things. ;)
Feast your eyes on a sweet girl and sunshine. 



Saturday, March 9, 2013

Take Me Back

these days, elementary school is sounding as heavenly as can be, and I can't help but find myself wishing I could go back to the age where my daddy's old tshirts went down past my knees and my biggest decisions in life were whether to have a gogurt or an otter pop after dinner.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Marissa, Vintage!

This is my lovely friend Marissa.  The sun had been gorgeous all day and I was itching to shoot, so she graciously volunteered!  Things didn't go QUITE as planned, since a cloud appeared right over the sun about 15 minutes before we made it to the location.  But "all's well that ends well," and we certainly came out with some beautiful shots and had a good, cold time.  We were definitely going with a vintage feel, as she had an old fashioned dress and some hats from a friend's sister's grandmother - so you must forgive the excessive black and white.  I had SO much fun taking and processing all of these.  Thanks Marissa!
This is the sunlight we had all day -

- and this is the sunset we ended up with!

This just happens to be my personal favorite - full of tranquil beauty.  Love.