Saturday, July 19, 2014

Mr. & Mrs.Thompson

After a long distance relationship & engagement from Alaska to Vermont and even China - this sweet couple finally were joined together in marriage a month ago today and I was so blessed to be a part of it.  These two have been a blessing to everyone they know from the very start & they could not be more perfect for each other. The wedding was absolutely beautiful in every aspect - family & friends in abundance, everyone supporting each other and being a heartwarming example of Christ's love as they congratulated Kamdon & Carrie at the start of their new life together. 

God bless you both, Mr. & Mrs.Thompson! 

The bride bought her gown during her year in China! 



Mother's first glimpse of her daughter in her wedding gown.


Huge thank you to my fantastic second shooter Sarah Pinard, you were a God-send!