Monday, August 21, 2017

life update: mission trip to SPAIN

starry sky in Ireland on my last trip with the LBC chorale

Hello friends!  
Most of you know that I have been going to college in Pennsylvania, and I am heading back this fall for my senior year. Most of you also know that choir has been a big part of my life since high school, and the community and music that I found through choir in high school continued when I joined the chorale at Lancaster Bible College. This fall, the chorale will be taking a trip to Spain to take part in a musical celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, when the people of Europe began to have exposure to the truth of God's grace and salvation through His Son. Our hope through this trip is to remind those we perform for and ourselves of the freedom that is offered to us through Christ's work on the cross, and to encourage unity among the believers already in Spain.  
I have been a part of the Lancaster Bible chorale for a couple years now, and along with the countless performances in Pennsylvania, I had the opportunity to travel with the group overseas. One of our biggest testimonies from our trip to Ireland was through interactions off the stage - with our bus driver.  No matter where we go, we hear back that people were impressed by not only our musical excellence but also the kindness, respect, and authenticity shown by every person involved. This is why I know that this group will minister not only to the audience when we perform in Spain, but we will also be a testimony of Christ's love to those on the airplane next to us and other interactions.  
That being said, the cost of my participation in this trip is $1850. $1440 of that is due on August 23rd. I know that if God wants me to participate in this trip by going, He will provide the funds. If He instead wants me to stay behind and support the rest of the team through prayer, then I will do that as well. If you could join me in prayer, here are some requests:  

      • Pray for the chorale and Dr.Bigley as they prepare musically and spiritually for this trip.  
      • Pray that God would go before us to Spain and prepare the hearts of those we will be interacting with, directly and indirectly.  
      • Pray for those fundraising to go on the trip mid-semester.  

If you would like to support me financially, donations can be given through LBC's website – go to and click on "GIVE" in the upper right-hand corner, select "Give Now" from the Give dropdown menu, and designate "Journey Teams" as the recipient of your contribution. Please make sure "Rachel Willyerd – Spain" is in the comments when you submit so that it can be appropriately filed. If you would rather write a check, it can be made payable to "LBC Journey Team" with my name on a separate note and mailed to Journey Teams, 901 Eden Rd, PA 17601-5036. (please note that if I do not reach the total needed, your donations will go to helping other people on the team go – it's a group effort. However, if you would like the option of a refund in that situation, contact me about your donation personally).  
If you would like updates and prayer requests as I prepare for and hopefully go on this trip, respond with your email or other contact information as I will be making a list. If you have any other questions, please contact me! I am truly excited to see what God has planned for the individual members of this team and the people of Spain. His kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you, friends!  

Rachel Willyerd